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NGO / Operateur

Initiative For Mobile Training of Community Radio / INFORMORAC Informotrac THE NETHERLANDS

Contact : Leon Van den Boogerd
Adresse / Address : Radio Netherlands Training Centre, Witte Kruislaan 55
P.O. Box 303       1200 AH Hilversum
Tel. : +31-35 6724 501
Fax. : 31-35 6724 532
EMail :
URL : EN / FR / PO
Created : 2003 Statut : Privé

Mission Statement : INFORMORAC = abréviation pour "Initiative de formation mobile de radios communautaires". lLe projet INFORMORAC a pour objectif de renforcer les radios communautaires en Guinée-Bissau, au Sénégal, en Sierra Leone, au Liberia, en Guinée et en R.D. Congo. INFORMORAC est une initiative de Radio Nederland Training Centre (RNTC). INFORMORAC est mis en oeuvre en coopération avec les radios communautaires, les autorités locales, régionales et nationales, des ONG locales et des organisations internationales pour le développement. Le projet est financé par le gouvernement néerlandais jusqu’à la fin 2010. _______________________________ENGLISH The project aims to strengthen community radio in Guinea Bissau, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Guiné, Liberia and DR Congo. INFORMOTRAC is an initiative of Radio Nederland Training Centre (RNTC). INFORMOTRAC works with community radio stations, local, regional and national authorities, local NGO’s and international development organisations. The project is being funded by the Dutch government until the end of 2010.

Affiliation : RNTC

Nb Members :

Commentaire / Comment.
INFORMOTRAC aims to strengthen community radio in Guinea Bissau, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea and DR Congo. [Français ci-dessous] INFORMOTRAC is an initiative of Radio Nederland Training Centre (RNTC). INFORMOTRAC works with community radio stations, local, regional and national authorities, local NGO’s and international development organisations. The project is being funded by the Dutch government until the end of 2010. Radio Nederland Training Centre (RNTC) receives grants from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a program that aims to strenghten the capacities of community radio stations in Liberia, DR Congo, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Senegal and Sierra Leone. It concerns a 4-year program from 2007-2010. For Sierra Leone, Guinea Bissau and Senegal it's the follow up of the INFORMOTRAC program started in 2003. INFORMOTRAC stands for Initiative for Mobile Training of Communiy Radio. Just before Christmas 2006 RNTC organised a conference in Dakar to close down the first phase (2003-2006) of the INFORMOTRAC program, and to launch the new program (2007-2010). Participants from all six countries were present. The INFORMOTRAC program focus on training (journalistic, technical, management) infrastructural/technical support and productions for approx. 60-65 community radio stations. Particularity of the INFORMOTRAC program is that most of the training will be done on location. The training is hands-on and the combination of training and infrastructural support makes the program very effectif. During 2006, the 3 local training centers in Senegal, Sierra leone and Guinea Bissau have been transformed into local NGO's. In Liberia, DR Congo and Guinea a local training centre will be set up in partnership with local media support organisations. In Liberia the program kicked-off with a Future Search Conference (FSC) that has been held in Monrovia from February 6-8th . Together with the existing community radios stations (CRS) and other stakeholders we discussed the future of CRS in Liberia. From February 10th till March 7th the needs assesment in Liberia has been executed. Three consultants visited all existing CRS (approx. 40) to check out their needs and demands. Based on the recomendations of this mission, a group of CRS that will benefit from the INFORMOTRAC program will be selected. The FSC as well as the needs assesment will be organised in close collaboration with the Liberia Media Center (LMC). Not later then september 2007 the training centre in Monrovia is supposed to be fully operational. In July 2007 the local training staff will be trained in the Netherlands. In DR Congo the program focus on the Bas Congo province. The Future Search Conference will be held on March 21-23th. The Neeeds Assesment is foreseen for April 16th-30. These activities will be organised in close collaboration with regional network of community radio stations in Bas Congo REMACOB (Résau des Médias Associatifs et Communautaires du Bas Congo). Also in DR Congo the program is supposed to be fully operational halfway 2007. The start of the INFORMOTRAC program in Guinea has been postponed due to the political unrest during the last months. INFORMOTRAC can assist by * Training radio in journalistic skills as presentation, interviewing etc. * Technical training in editing, sound engineering, use of equipment etc. * Management training * Audience research and programming * Enhancing community involvement * Making co-productions. Each INFORMOTRAC network centre has an up-to-date studio and a team of trainers. The trainers of INFORMOTRAC will come to the radio stations themselves! INFORMOTRAC uses a mobile training unit to train on the spot, so regular broadcasts can remain on the air. The INFOMOTRAC website lists the forthcoming sessions (see also in TRRAACE/Training/Sessions.) The website offers a very comprehensive presentation of INFORMOTRAC national network, a directory of the radio stations in each of the three countries as well as audio and video files for downloading. __________________________FRANCAIS INFORMORAC soutient les radios à travers * La formation aux compétences journalistiques telles que présentation, interview, etc. * La formation technique : montage, prise de son, utilisation de l’équipement, etc. * La formation en gestion * L’étude d’audience et la programmation * L’implication de la communauté * La réalisation de coproductions . Chaque centre du réseau INFORMORAC est doté d’un studio moderne et d’une équipe de formateurs. Ce sont les formateurs d’INFORMORAC qui se déplacent ! L’unité mobile d’INFORMORAC utilisée pour la formation sur place permet de maintenir la diffusion régulière des émissions. Un programme des formations à venir au sein du projet est mentionné sur le site (et repris sur TRRAACE/Formation/Sessions) Le site INFORMORAC présente chaque équipe nationale, ainsi qu'une fiche de chacune des radios partie prenante du projet. Le site propose aussi des matériaux audio et vidéo à télécharger. _________________________ADRESSES EN AFRIQUE 1. Guinée-Bissau Centro de Treinamento INFORMORAC Rue Vitorino Costa, Instalações de Mavegro BISSAU, Guinée-Bissau Téléphone : 245-206987 Courriel : 2. Sierra Leone Training Centre INFORMOTRAC 89, Fort Street FREETOWN, Sierra Leone Téléphone : 232 (0)22-227904 Courriel : 3. Sénégal Centre de Formation d’INFORMORAC Villa 59, cité Al Hadji Malick SY B.P. 153 THIÈS, Sénégal Téléphone : 221-9511202 Courriel :

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