NGO / Operateur Ressource / Resource   


NGO / Operateur


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URL : EN / FR / SP
Created : Statut : Privé

Mission Statement : ItrainOnline is a joint initiative of six organizations with great expertise in computer and Internet training in the South, namely Association for Progressive Communications (APC) Bellanet International Secretariat, FAO, International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD), International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP), Oneworld Network and UNESCO. The objective of this Website is about the same as TRRAACE, but directly related to ICTs. ItrainOnline responds to the need for a single source on the web containing a selection of the best and most relevant computer and Internet training resources for development and social change.

Affiliation :

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Commentaire / Comment.
Itrainingonline offers materials and annotated links to high-quality resources in English, Spanish, French and other languages, on topics ranging from computer and Internet basics to highly technical areas. The information and annotations on ItrainOnLine site are free, and can be reproduced, translated, and disseminated without restriction. Most of the material described in the collection is free. Among the other areas, broadcasters will find materials related to "audio on line" and "community radio" topics. Most of them can be found also within the TRRAACE section "Resources / Bibliography" for instance: * The Africa Community Radio Manager's Book", by AMARC * "BBC News Styleguide" * "Step by Step Guide to Radio Browsing", by Unesco * "Evaluating Radio Programmes", by OneWorld Radio * "MMTK Radio Browsing Unit", by Oneworld * "Producing Content for Radio", by MMTK * "Radio formats", by MMTK * "Content for exchange", by MMTK * "Audience participation for community radio", by MMTK * " Strategic technology planning for community radio", by MMTK * "Reporting Human Rights and Humanitarian Stories" * "Interviewing for Radio", by BBC Training and Development * "Financial planning Programming for Rural Audiences", by Farm Radio Network * "Finding and evaluating HIV/AIDS information on the internet" and many other technical tips and tricks on Minidisc, microphones, etc. Go to the section "Multimedia". ________________________Français ItrainOnLine est une initiative commune lancée par six organisations spécialisées dans la promotion et le développement des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication dans le Sud: Association for Progressive Communications (APC), Bellanet International Secretariat, FAO, International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD), International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP), Oneworld Network and UNESCO. La partie française est développée par ENDA. L'objectif de ce site est d'offrir dans un seul et même endroit une sélection de ressources et de documents de formation en ligne dans le secteur des NTIC et de l'Internet. Dans la section MULTIMEDIA on trouvera des ressources et du matériel de formation sur * le montage radiophonique, l'interview radiophonique, la présentation radiophonique, le script radio ; * le son sur Internet, mais plutôt des outils et conseils pour les utilisateurs et pour la création de site; * la radio communautaire: mais un seul document. Quant à la partie sur les télécentres, hélas elle est vide. Bref il vous reste à réviser votre anglais, et tirer profit des pages anglaises (ou espagnoles) de cet excellent site !

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