Auteur / Author : Oscar Bloh ONLINE
Titre / Title : Strategic Communication for Peacebuilding - a Training Guide
Collection / Series :
Editeur / Publisher : SFCG - Radio for Peacebuilding Africa EN
Année / Year : 2010   Nbr. Pages :      48 pages / 746 KB     Taille / Size


Evaluation / Book review.
Strategic Communication for Peacebuilding - a Training Guide
How to use strategic communication on development objectives as a tool for peacebuilding

Published by Radio for PeaceBuilding Africa, this guide is designed for trainers of media workers and government officials in strategic communication related to major development objectives. The training guide has the following objectives:
* to improve the skills of policy makers and media practitioners, with a particular emphasis on radio,in the effective communication of major government reform policies to citizens; and
* to increase the skills of policy makers and media practitioners in generating information (concerns,needs, etc.) from citizens, and in communicating those needs to government.
According to the publishers, three distinct, interrelated learning objectives inform the framework of the training. By the end of this training, participants will be able to appreciate the value of communications in reaching development policy objectives and promoting good governance. Participants will also be able to state the different components of effective strategic communication and explain the difference between information dissemination and strategic communication. In addition, they will be able to produce media products on major policies and demonstrate the integration of a common ground approach in all their media products.

The guide is divided into seven sessions:
* Session 1: Understanding conflict and its roots
* Session 2: Media and conflict transformation
* Session 3: Governance reform systems and processes
* Session 4: Understanding strategic communication
* Session 5: Access to public information
* Session 6: Radio as a driver of change
* Session 7: Designing media products for radio to assist governance reform policies
Egalement disponible en français
Source: Soul Beat Extra: Community Radio, May 5 2010

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